Boilerplate projects
- React, Babel, Webpack:
- React, Typescript, Webpack:
- MobX + React JSFiddle:
- MobX + React JSFiddle with just ES5:
- custom-react-scripts for create-react-app that enables using decorators; add
to .env
to enable decorators.
- generator-mobx-react Yeoman MobX, React, Webpack, Babel / Typescript project generator
- mobx-starter: Starting base for an mobx react project with optional isomorphism. MongoDB auth & sessions, hot reload, react-router
- React, React-Router 4, MobX and Webpack 2-boilerplate with async routes
- rfx-stack RFX Stack - Universal App featuring: React + Feathers + MobX
- MobX, TypeScript, React, React Router, Server Side Rendering and Webpack:
- reaxor Boilerplate for better state management, styling, testing and cleaner code
- jspm-react lightweight React.js ES6 boilerplate with JSPM and proper hot reloading modules
- react-portal MobX, React with Flux architecture
- react-mobx-webpack Quickstart project template for learning React
- gulp-es6-sass-mobx
- react-mobx-boilerplate A small React + React Router + MobX boilerplate with a small example app.
- Small project to quickly start with deku, MobX, JSX, ES6, Babel
- React MobX Seed: Seed project using a wide set of best practices
- ReMux - MobX with flux pattern boilerplate
- react-routing-mobx-bootstrap-boilerplate Simple boilerplate with webpack, react, mobx, react router and css modules
- FutureRX The futuristic stack to create universal React applications with MobX as state manager
- mobx-isomorphic-starter Clean isomorphic starter-kit using Mobx + React + React-router + Webpack
- koa-mobx-react-starter A straightforward starter for Node javascript web projects. Using Koa, MobX, Pug and ReactJS (with universal / isomorphic server rendering)
- modular-mobx-boilerplate This is a boilerplate for developing with React + MobX. It uses a modular structure of folders for larger apps.
- react-router-intl-routing React Router 4 and React-Intl translated routes glued together with Mobx
- spfx-react-mobx-webpart-starter A react & mobx powered spfx webpart
- rn_mobx_temmplate React Native with MobX template