Intercept & Observe

observe and intercept can be used to monitor the changes of a single observable (they don't track nested observables). intercept can be used to detect and modify mutations before they are applied to the observable. observe allows you to intercept changes after they have been made.


Usage: intercept(target, propertyName?, interceptor)

  • target: the observable to guard
  • propertyName: optional parameter to specify a specific property to intercept. Note that intercept(, interceptor) is fundamentally different from intercept(user, "name", interceptor). The first tries to add an interceptor to the current value inside (which might not be an observable at all), the latter intercepts changes to the name property of user.
  • interceptor: callback that will be invoked for each change that is made to the observable. Receives a single change object describing the mutation.

The intercept should tell MobX what needs to happen with the current change. Therefore it should do one of the following things:

  1. Return the received change object as-is from the function, in wich case the mutation will be applied.
  2. Modify the change object and return it, for example to normalize the data. Not all fields are modifiable, see below.
  3. Return null, this indicates that the change can be ignored and shouldn't be applied. This is a powerful concept to make your objects for example temporarily immutable.
  4. Throw an exception, for example if some invariant isn't met.

The function returns a disposer function that can be used to cancel the interceptor. It is possible to register multiple interceptors to the same observable. They will be chained in registration order. If one of the interceptors returns null or throw an exception, the other interceptors won't be evaluated anymore. It is also possible to register an interceptor both on a parent object and on an individual property. In that case the parent object interceptors are run before the property interceptors.

const theme = observable({
  backgroundColor: "#ffffff"

intercept(theme, "backgroundColor", change => {
  if (!change.newValue) {
    // ignore attempts to unset the background color
    return null;   
  if (change.newValue.length === 6) {
    // correct missing '#' prefix
    change.newValue = '#' + change.newValue;
    return change;   
  if (change.newValue.length === 7) {
      // this must be a properly formatted color code!
      return change;
  throw new Error("This doesn't like a color at all: " + change.newValue);


Usage: observe(target, propertyName?, listener, invokeImmediately?)

  • target: the observable to observe
  • propertyName: optional parameter to specify a specific property to observe. Note that observe(, listener) is fundamentally different from observe(user, "name", listener). The first observes the current value inside (which might not be an observable at all), the latter observes the name property of user.
  • listener: callback that will be invoked for each change that is made to the observable. Receives a single change object describing the mutation, except for boxed observables, which will invoke the listener two parameters: newValue, oldValue.
  • invokeImmediately: by default false. Set it to true if you want observe to invoke listener directly with the state of the observable (instead of waiting for the first change). Not supported (yet) by all kinds of observables.

The function returns a disposer function that can be used to cancel the observer. Note that transaction does not affect the working of the observe method(s). This means that even inside a transaction observe will fire its listeners for each mutation. Hence autorun is usually a more powerful and declarative alternative to observe.


import {observable, observe} from 'mobx';

const person = observable({
    firstName: "Maarten",
    lastName: "Luther"

const disposer = observe(person, (change) => {
    console.log(change.type,, "from", change.oldValue, "to", change.object[]);

person.firstName =  "Martin";
// Prints: 'update firstName from Maarten to Martin'

// Ignore any future updates

// observe a single field
const disposer2 = observe(person, "lastName", (newValue, oldValue) => {
    console.log("LastName changed to ", newValue);

Related blog: Object.observe is dead. Long live mobx.observe

Event overview

The callbacks of intercept and observe will receive an event object which has at least the following properties:

  • object: the observable triggering the event
  • type: (string) the type of the current event

These are the additional fields that are available per type:

observable type event type property description available during intercept can be modified by intercept
Object add name name of the property being added
newValue the new value being assigned
update name name of the property being updated
newValue the new value being assigned
oldValue the value that is replaced
Array splice index starting index of the splice. Splices are also fired by push, unshift, replace etc.
removedCount amount of items being removed
added array with items being added
removed array with items that where removed
addCount amount of items that where added
update index index of the single entry that is being updated
newValue the newValue that is / will be assigned
oldValue the old value that was replaced
Map add name the name of the entry that was added
newValue the new value that is being assigned
update name the name of the entry that is being updated
newValue the new value that is being assigned
oldValue the value that has been replaced
delete name the name of the entry that is being removed
oldValue the value of the entry that was removed
Boxed observable create newValue the value that was assigned during creation. Only observable by spy
update newValue the new value being assigned (only available in intercept and spy)
oldValue .. the old value. Only available in spy
(observe callback) newValue first param of the observe callback
(observe callback) oldValue second param of the observe callback previous value
Computed observable (observe callback) newValue first param of the observe callback
(observe callback) oldValue second param of the observe callback