Related projects
- MobX react bindings
- MobX react devtools
- MobX remotedev: Use the Redux Devtools with MobX
- MobX inferno bindings
- MobX deku bindings
- For Preact the preact-compat module + mobx-react can be used.
- tracker-mobx-autorun Integrate Meteor reactive data with MobX for simple yet highly optimized state management
- react-native-mobx Make your app reactive with MobX and react-native-router-flux
Staff pick: mobx-react-form Build forms and validate them using json-schema rules
- mobx-forms A simple form manager for React and Mobx, heavily inspired by redux-forms
- mobx-form Declaratively build forms using MobX
- mobx-input Form validation for MobX and react-bootstrap.
serializr Small library to (de)serialize complex object graphs to JSON
- mobx-utils Utility belt for MobX with several common patterns, like subscribing to external resources, converting promises etc.
- mobx-state-tree Idiomatic state container, supporting time traveling, patches, replayable actions etc.
- mobx-rest REST conventions for MobX.
- mobx-model Simplify mobx data stores that mimic backend models
- mobx-router A simple router for MobX apps
- mobx-firebase-store Subscribe MobX observables to firebase
- mobx-store A lowdb inspired data store with declarative querying, observable state, and easy undo/redo.
- rx-mobx Convert Mobx observables to RxJS and vice versa
- mobx-reactor Connect MobX data stores to functional stateless React components with async actions and unidirectional data flow.
- mobx-autorun-async-immediate Mobx debounced autorun function with immediate synchronous first call
- Smalldots MobX Store Store API for MobX
- mobx-roof Simple, React MVVM framework based on mobx
- mobx-translate Simple translations library for mobx
- react-mobx-translatable Make React components translatable using MobX. Can be used both on the server (SSR) and in the browser.
- mobx-logger Always know what is really going on in your MobX application by logging just the right information.
- mobx-react-matchmedia A React HOC with mediaqueries for responsive layout.
- mobx-server-wait Render universally with server awaited mobx actions.
- mobx-cache An observable data cache with MobX
- mobx-persist create and persist mobx stores
- gwt-mobx GWT Java bindings for MobX
- mobx-app A functional structure for mobx
... More
- Anything missing? Feel free to submit a PR to add your own library / project!
- Another nice overview of things related to MobX:
- Or just search on Github